Spectra Premium JP2B Fuel Tank for Jeep Cherokee/Wagoneer

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

A lot of people who are involved in the bio-diesel industry would like us to think that biodiesel is the be all and end all of alternative fuel.

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

Bio diesel in its rightful place has a meaningful contribution to make in the alternative fuel arena. Make no mistake, I am an advocate for bio diesel, and I use it everyday in my vehicles.

There are however are a number of issues that bio diesel can cause that people must be aware of before they use it. Not knowing what these pitfalls are can lead to people being permanently disillusioned with biofuels.

Cold weather.

The first disadvanTAGe of bio diesel is that its cold weather properties are not as good as that of petroleum diesel. This means that thosepeople who live in cold countries will need to take precautions during winter if using bio diesel.

When discussing bio diesel people refer to the Cloud Point. The cloud point is that point at which the bio diesel starts to solidify. I know a cloud point of 10° C means that if cannot be used below this temperature.

Bio diesel takes on the characteristics of the material from which it is made. If you make bio diesel from soybean oil, then it will have a cloud point less than -2° c. If you make bio diesel from palm oil, then this cloud point could be more than 10° c.

It is thus vital that the infeed material that is used for the manufacturing of bio diesel is suitable for the country in which it is going to be consumed. This is one reason why the major nationalbio diesel fuel standards like ASTM D6751 and EN 14214, specify what the maximum point cloud should be. Highly saturated fats like palm oil will not make bio diesel that is suitable for use in North America or Europe during winter.

When making bio diesel from used Cooking oil (which is the major source of bio-diesel in many countries) it is very difficult to determine exactly what kind of oil is being used. The oil may be sourced from hundreds of different restaurants and mixed together before use. This means that in many cases, the cloud point is difficult to determine. Each batch will need to be tested to ensure that it complies with national standards before it is sold.

Material incompatibilities.

The second disadvanTAGe of usingbio diesel is that bio-diesel tends to dissolve nitrile rubbers. Prior to the introduction of ultra-low sulfur diesel, nitrite and other natural rubbers were widely used in fuel systems. This makes these older systems incompatible with bio diesel. After 1994, in many countries, motor manufacturers started using more bio diesel compatible materials.

If you drive a later model vehicle, this will not be an issue for you. Many people who drive older vehicles adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Nitrile and other incompatible rubber will break down, but the process takes an extended period of time. It can take up to a year for these issues to show. This leaves plenty of time for these materials to be identified and replaced.

Fuel system flushing.

One of the characteristics of bio diesel is that it is an extremely good solvent. Petroleum diesel on the other hand, tends to leave deposits in the fuel system. These deposits take the form of sludge in the fuel tank, as well as a varnish on the inside of the fuel pipes. Using bio-diesel will flush these deposits out.

This will block up the fuel Filters and will cause the engine to stall. When using bio-diesel for the first time. It is wise to carry a spare fuel Filter with you.

This really is only an issue on vehicles which have been run on petroleum diesel for a long period of time. New vehicles that have only been running on diesel for a few years will not have a problem.

It is possible tohave the fuel tanks steam cleaned which will remove the deposits and minimize the problem.

Power Loss

When running bio diesel you will experience a loss of anywhere from 1-10%. Typically the power loss is about 5%.

This may be an issue if the engine is running close to full load, under heavy acceleration or you are a street racer, but it is not usually a significant issue. Most vehicles today have plenty of spare power available.

However when hauling goods or in other situations where engines are run at load, the fuel consumption will increase accordingly. Fuel consumption can increase from 5-10%.

The Disadvantages of Bio Diesel

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

From 1991-1995, Chrysler offered two different sized gas tanks for the Jeep Wrangler: 15-gallon and 20-gallon. In reality, these two tanks were not different in size at all. The difference in some was a small plastic vent hose that extended down into the tank which prevented more than 15 gallons of fuel being filled into them. By shortening this hose, the tank can hold the 20 gallons of fuel it was originally made to carry. The enTire conversion process is about a 60-90 minute Job.

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion Jeep Wrangler 20-Gallon Gas Tank Conversion

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

If you do a search on the Internet, there is a huge amount of disinformation concerning how the quarter-ton came to be called the "jeep". Some of the posters claim that it might have come from the slurring of the initials for "General Purpose Vehicle" or "GP". Some go on to claim that the 1/4-ton was called a "general purpose vehicle". This is not true but there is truth about at least part of it.

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

No one can be certain about when the term "jeep" first came into common usage. Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary states the jeep is "a small general-purpose motor vehicle with 80-inch wheelbase, 1/4-ton capacity, and four-wheel drive used by the U.S. Army in World War II; also: a similar but larger and more powerful U.S. army vehicle ". But they don'texplain where the word jeep is derived.

In the book, Hail To The JEEP! by a. Wade Wells, Major E.P. Hogan is quoted as saying, "Jeep is an old Army grease-monkey term that dates back to the last war and was used by shop mechanics in referring to any new motor vehicle received for test. In recent years the word has been used especially by the Armored Force but not in relation to the 1/4-ton. Just when this term was generally used specifically applied to the vehicle it now describes is hard to say. " This is the passage that Major Hogan is often cited as having written in an article in Quartermaster Review in 1941. Then Lieutenant Hogan wrote two articles for Quartermaster Review in 1941. The first was entitled "The Bug" and the second was "The Story of TheQuarter-Ton ".

In the first article published in the March-April 1941 issue, the vehicle is not referred to as a "jeep". However, other names such as, "bantam", "puddle-jumper," "bugs" are specifically Mentioned. Other sources, like Rifkind, tell us it was also called "jeep," "geep" blitz, "buggy" and "leaping lena."

In the September-October, 1941 issue of Quartermaster Review, Hogan referred to the quarter-ton as a "jeep" and a "peep". He does not discuss the origin of the name as is often attributed to him

The name "Jeep" was finally associated with the quarter-ton on a world-wide basis when Katherine "Katy" Hillyer wrote an article in the Washington Daily News in February, 1941. Irving "Red" Hausmann was demonstrating the> jeep in Washington and Ms. Hillyer, a reporter, was their to cover the story. According to Mr. Wade after the demonstration was over, she asked what was the thing called. Mr. Hausmann, replied, "It's a Jeep." Shortly after publication in the newspaper the name "Jeep" was permanently affixed to the little vehicle ... except maybe in the Armored Forces which insist that a "jeep" is a 1/2-ton Dodge Command Car.

Jeep is a registered mark of Daimler-Chrysler. However, "jeep" is a generic term associated with all WW2 1/4-ton vehicles (and in some cases Dodge Command Cars.)

In many books and websites you see poor Lt. Hogan misquoted about where the name "jeep" came from. But he has some other interesting words as well.

Anoutstanding feature of the "bantam" is the success with which four wheel drive has been adapted to it. Its front axle can be used wither as a driving axle or axle and an idling, while the four-wheel drive feature in smaller vehicles is an adaptation of the Army's usual design, the "puddle-jumper" the resulting performance has been far greater even than anticipated. "Bugs" are built for maximum cross-country mobility-an indispensable requireMent in modern warfare-which is greatly increased by having power at all four wheels.

Now, Hogan was a Quartermaster Corps man but reading this it seems to say that the jeep wasn't a "new" idea so much as its performance was outstanding.

Also on the Internet you can find an article by the famous "> jeep "author, Ray Cowdery. I've known Ray for a long time and count him among my "jeep" friends. In the article, "How the jeep * got its name ...", Ray seeks to disclose the meaning of jeep and how it became associated with the vehicle during WW2.

Ray is a great guy but this article is filled with way too much conjecture and too little fact. I shudder at the WW II U.s. Army Air Force reference to the B-25 bomber as "Baker's Two-Bits" and the universal "Duece-and-a-Half" name for the 2-1/2 ton truck are but two examples. Where does that come from? I've never heard of the Baker reference for the B-25 but that doesn't mean it isn't true.

I know that Military Vehicle Magazine was looking for (even running a contest) evidence that during WW2 the"Jimmy" or GMC 1/2 ton truck 2-was ever referred to as a "duece-and-a-half" during WW2. As far As I know no evidence has been presented.

Sure the now well known part about Ford GP, "G" for government vehicles and the "P" for 80 inch wheelbase reconnaissance. But other than Ray's article were is there evidence that "GP" was slurred together to form jeep? Now I will admit that I am in this camp too but I have found dang little evidence.

Evidence has been found in the Army Motors of WW2:

May, 1941 (See The Geep is a General Purpose Vehicle!):

"Distributor shafts on the 1/4-ton 4 x 4 Ford" GEEPs "' are binding or 42739 in distributor housing due to apparent lack of lubrication. This is due to the 40-12141 oiler felt inserted in the B-10141 oiler assemblybasis of the GP-12124 distributor housing not allowing sufficient lubricant to seep through to keep distributor shaft properly lubricated. It is essential to remove this oiler felt immediately. Take a long pointed needle or any pointed piece of thin wire and bend a very small hook at a 90 degree angle at the pointed end and ' Fish ' out the felt in the oiler passageway. After oiler felt is removed, oiler should be filled with oil. "

And yet another tidbit!

"Parts lists and maintenance manuals for the 1941, 1/4-ton, 4 x 4 Ford" GEEP "have been issued as TM and TM 1100 1101. This should read 10 TM-TM 10-1100 and 1101. Correct your copies and refer to them as TM-TM 10 10-1100 and 1101 in all correspondence. "

Are there any other references to the Ford GP beingreferred to as "GEEP"?

The other reference that could tie in is that of "general purpose".  This may be old news to some of you but the jeep was a general purpose vehicle! Now how in the world can that be you ask incredulously? Where do I come up with such heresy? After all it was a command and recon car or lightweight liaison vehicle, right? Well, I have been doing some research into some early documents.

The earliest specifications for what would become the jeep called for an armored windshield for the driver. Apparently, this was done to expedite the process of procuring the vehicle. This would put it in the Ordnance class of vehicles. And in fact it was briefly in the hands of the Ordnance Committee. After further study it was recommended to be turnedover to the Quartermaster committee.

So why do I say that this is a general purpose vehicle. The Quartermaster general purpose vehicles procured only. These were in the form of either Administrative (like a staff car) or tactical (the jeep would be one of those). In fact, evidence of this is stated in Army Regulation 15-850 as quoted by Book 120 Field Artillery, Automotive Instruction, 1941 Edition:

"Classification: General Purpose Motor Vehicles--All wheeled vehicles adapted for general hauling purposes including general cargo, ammunition, personnel, and equipment; and for towing trailers, guns, and other wheeled equipment. Examples: Cargo trucks, dump trucks, passenger vehicles, ambulances. "

"Estimates, Design, Development,Procurement, Maintenance, Storage, and Issue: By the Quartermaster Corps, except the design and development of ambulances, which will be by the Medical Department in collaboration with the Quartermaster Corps. "

The same Book also defines 120 "truck". Trucks are "motor-propelled vehicles designed primarily for carrying cargo or equipment. They may be used for carrying personnel or for towing purposes. " Still further it provides a chart that lists the Truck, 1/4-ton, 4 x 4, Ford, 1941. The chart defines ' purpose ' for us.  The purpose will be indicated by stating the general character of the body or the use for which the vehicle is designed.  The trucks maybe for "light repAir, cargo, reconnaissance, dump, tank, cargo and dump, wrecking, or pick-up."  The> jeep's (or Geep!) purpose is reconnaissance.

Herbert r. Rifkind in his The Jeep--Its Development and Procurement Under the Quartermaster Corps, 1940-1942, states that jeep while no one is certain, of course, may have been derived from general purpose. "The initial letters of the War Department's vehicle classification, general purpose (Gp), under which the 1/4-ton was listed, into a monosyllable. Credence is lent to this theory by the fact that an early spelling variation of the word was "geep". "

The other problem I see in the article by Ray is the leap of faith in what the meaning of "GPW" means. The documents displayed clearly show what "GP" means but what about the "W". It may be "logical" but it is still just an assumption. It could easily standfor "Willys", "War Department" or "What Happened?" for that matter. Willys because the geeps were patterned after the Willys model. The War Department because the War Department asked Henry to produce the Willys model.  What happened?  Because Ford had the deal all sewed up until the government agency "Watchdog" over-ruled the QMC and awarded the contract for 16.000 standardized vehicles to Willys because they were the lowest cost.

*-The term used here and throughout my Blog or website relates to the vehicle, purchased by the US Army prior to and during World War II BEFORE Willys-Overland trade-marked the name "JEEP".  The trade-mark "JEEP" is owned by Daimler-Chrysler.  The use here is only for identification purposes.

The Meaning of The Name " Jeep "

Monday, March 12, 2012

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Fuel injection services are growing in popularity for the following reasons in the order of motive.
Increases service center's profit It's an easy sell with today's gas prices Offsets manufacturers ' maintenance reductions, and extended life systems Poor gas quality Poor adherence to vehicle maintenance

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Notice that "It's required" did not make the list. That's because fuel injection services are not required the majority of the time. In short, if your fuel efficiency is fine don't bother with a fuel injection service--Save Your Money!

However, injector services are at times beneficial, even necessary. See the following frequently asked question and answers ...

What do they do?
Depending on the product, injection services clean naturally forming carbon deposits from the fuel injectors and fuel rails--some will even clean the fuel tank, and valve carbon deposits.

Do they work?
In short, yes. Provided it's a premium product (such as BG), and the service is performed correctly. Fuel injection services can do amazing things. They can improve fuel efficiency, increase horse power, and repAir some performance concerns, although this last benefit is rare.

Whether or not fuel injection services will do all the above "every time" is another story.

I have even seen fuel injection services quiet horrendous carbon knocks--a knocking noise from the engine due to excessivecarbon build-up coming in contact with internal engine components.

Are they worth it?
Maybe. It really depends on the condition of the vehicle. If the service achieves any of the advertised claims, it may be worth it. In truth, most cars don't need it. The consistent use of fuelquality, and proper vehicle maintenance should be all that is necessary to keep a car running properly.

However, consistent use of cheap gas and poor adherence to an auto maintenance schedule, as well as certain driving styles can significantly increase the accumulation of carbon deposits. Thus the possibility of poor fuel efficiency, decreased horsepower, and performance issues increases--all of which could be helped by injector maintenance.

The otherfactor to consider is the expense. How much fuel savings justifies the cost of the fuel injection service, and how long is the pay off. BG claims that their product will pay for itself in a year's time. However, remember that the condition of the vehicle is a big variable!

How often should it be done?
It depends on the product, but generally between 15.000 to 30.000 miles is the average.

Are they necessary?
It depends: See the discussion under-Are they worth it?

Can a fuel injection service do any damage to my engine or car?
Not if done correctly. Done incorrectly, anything goes. A technician could conceivably hydro-lock your engine, or blow a hole in the piston--although both scenarios arerare.

If anything does go wrong, there is usually an underlying problem, which gets exacerbated by the fuel injector car maintenance.

Why doesn't my manufacturers recomMend fuel injector cleaning car maintenance?
No manufacturer recomMends fuel injector cleaning car maintenance under normal operating conditions. From a manufacturer's viewpoint: take care of your car right (i.e., as the manufacturer dictates) and you'll be fine.

However, depending on the problem, some manufacturers will recomMend fuel injector cleaning car maintenance as the cure--especially carbon knock. With the variety of fuel qualities available, manufacturers may reconsider fuel injector cleaning car maintenance.

How much doesfuel injector cleaning car maintenance cost?
Prices vary depending on the service center and the actual procedure performed, and product used. The procedures you want should clean the enTire fuel system including the tank and should not cost more than $ 150.

Finally, make sure the service is actually performed as fuel injector maintenance is a common scam across the industry.

Fuel injection maintenance is also presented in such a way as if it is the magical cure for all your car's quirks--not!

When in doubt, don't do it.

Car Repair Prices: Fuel Injection Services, Are They Worth It?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Colorado Attractions

Colorado Attractions

Some of Colorado's attractions include:

Colorado Attractions

Colorado Attractions

Colorado Attractions

Colorado Attractions

Colorado Attractions

Denver Nightlife. Check out the award. You never knew such cool nightclubs existed in the USA.

If you like to ski, make sure you check out the little known Springalicious Steamboat festival. Very few people outside of Colorado know about this nifty festival complete with rock and roll bands and ski bunnies.

Another little known ski hideout is the Loveland Ski Resort. That's what the locals call "Core Colorado."

If you have only a half day to spare, enjoy a fabulous Colorado adventure on top of Jeeps, go up the steep road leading to crazy and a mountain saddle at the top of the over 14 thousand feet tall Mt Princeton. Wildlife and flora abound the trail remind you of Bambi. The Air gets thin there (I know this is notthe place to go running), but it's perfect for carrying the scent of pine, wildflowers and sage.

Visit a quaint and rustic cabin called the Bristlecone Cabin, nestled in a beautiful and gorgeous grove of pines, that dates back to before the locals can remember. The average age of these bristlecone pines is over 1 thousand years. With some trees over 4 thousand years old, no where else in the world is there trees as old as these. From there you can see the Arkansas Valley floor, almost a mile straight down. The perfect place to sit and think about life. You'll be glad you came.

Do come with a full tank of gas, because there aren't too many gas stations on this route!

Colorado Attractions

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What To Do In Cancun! And How Much Does It Cost

What To Do In Cancun! And How Much Does It Cost

Cancun has a large variety of activities available. The hotels are so nice that many visitors are happy to spend their vacation at the hotel. If you want some other things to do here are some activities and approximate US prices as of December 2006. Prices are per adult unless otherwise stated.

Jungle Tour by Aqua World .50 Ride a wave runner and then snorkel. I liked this one.

Atlantis Submarine Child, adult - I liked this one.

Chichen Itza - Transportation Only Adult, Child All day tour to the ruins. A deluxe trip may include a deluxe double decker bus, breakFast and lunch, drinks, and admission. This costs more than twice as much as the transportation only trip, but you get a lot more.

Telum Trips - Varies with options - Adult price is usually in the to range.

Xcaret - Child, adult

A park with lots of attractions. Trips vary in time and transport options.

Xel-Ha - Adult, child

All day, includes transport, entrance fee, snorkeling, and exploring.

Isla of Mujores - About boat to the island. Snorkel and lunch tours for about . Shopping, ride a golf cart around the island, etc.. I like this one.

Captain Hook Buffet Dinner Cruise -

Caribbean Carnival Lobster Dinner Cruise -

Indiana Joe's ATV Jungle Tour -

Jeep Safari - Child , Adult

2 Tank Scuba Dive - Around

Wet 'N Wild Water Park Entrance Fee - adult, child

Bullfights -

Prices and details change so verify everything. Be aware that very low prices are sometimes offered for activities. This usually requires something like a time-share presentation. Avoid this unless you want to spend hours getting a high pressure sales pitch!

What To Do In Cancun! And How Much Does It Cost

What To Do In Cancun! And How Much Does It Cost

What To Do In Cancun! And How Much Does It Cost